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  • The tangut version of mah - praj ? p ramit - hrdaya - s tra is first coming to publication in the present paper , accompanying with detailed translation and commentaries
    摘要本文首次全文公布西夏译本《摩诃般若波罗蜜多心经》 ,并提供详细的解读和注释。
  • The passive concepts sunyata ( " voidness " ) and praj ? ( " wisdom " ) , for example , must be resolved with the active karuna ( " compassion " ) and upaya ( " means " )
    比如,撒瓦塔( “空性” )和般若( “智慧” )的被动观念,一定断然地与主动的“怜悯”和“方便”在一起。
  • For example , the malaysian buddhist institution in penang of which he is principal provides high school courses as well as intensive training in buddhist scriptures and meditation
  • In 1916 he went to lhasa to study the dharma at shartse college , where he studied the sutras buddhist ethics and philosphies of the prajnaparamita , madhyamika , the abidharma and the vinaya
  • I do not negate the world . i see it as appearing in consciousness , which is the totality of the known in the immensity of the unknown
  • Doing good , you have prajna hands . seeing with compassion , you have prajna eyes . praising others , you have prajna tongue . embracing the multitude in your thought , you have prajna mind
  • The on going , translation of buddhist texts and , language training is providing the very bridge that facilitates the cross - cultural understanding of all religions . coming next issue
  • In buddhist tantra , or vajrayana , in contrast to the hindu , the female principle of " wisdom ( prajna ) is seen as static , whereas the male , or " means ( upaya ) , is active
    佛教的坦陀罗,或者金刚乘,与印度教相反,女性法则的“智慧(般若) ”看起来是静态的,而男性,或者“手段(方便) ”是积极的。
  • His right hand holds a flaming sword , which represents the sharpness of prajna that cuts through the root cause of suffering and the net of wrong views which binds us to the three lower realms
  • Meditation occupies a central place in buddhism and combines , in its highest stages , the discipline of progressively increased introversion with the insight brought about by wisdom , or prajna
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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