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  • If the opposite disappears , one will be in danger and moreover disappear with it
    因为他是我们最挑剔、最容易发现我们致命弱点、最容易置我们于死地的“朋友” 。
  • We use network interface detection in host agent , which will enable the ids work on switch network fine
  • Sanjay gupta : you take a look at the spinach , er , which , which is , looks , looks beautiful . what , what are the particular vulnerable points here
  • War of the worlds . h . g . wells . the classic alien invasion tale of technologically advanced martian conquerors with an enormous achilles ' heel
  • It solves of the problem of common glass wall ' s critical defect of weak flameproofing . extremely increases safety coefficiency of glass wall
  • Mr . jones is a hard - working and intelligent person in the office , his achille ' s heel is his pride . he always refuses the other ' s advice on his work
  • With a little reverse - engineering , attackers can easily find significant weaknesses in any system that was not developed in a security - conscious environment
  • War of the worlds . h . g . wells . the classic alien invasion tale of technologically advanced martian conquerors with an enormous achilles ' heel
    《世界大战》 (科幻) - - h . g .威尔斯经典的外星人入侵故事,有高度发达科技的火星征服者却带有巨大的致命弱点
  • Mr . jones is a hard - working and intelligent person in the office , his achille ' s heel is his pride . he always refuses the other ' s advice on his work
  • " if you hit this target successfully you have hit the achilles ' heel of the virus , " said rolf hilgenfeld of the university of luebeck in germany , who led the study
    德国吕贝克医科大学的罗尔夫?希尔根菲尔德是主持该项研究的科学家,他说: "如果能够成功攻克这个课题,我们也就找到了非典病毒的致命弱点
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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