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  • A curator of the leisure and cultural services department lcsd was sentenced to 240 hours of community service for deceiving the antiquities and monuments office of lcsd into granting an archaeological survey contract to an unqualified contractor
  • The government established the antiquities and monuments office in 1976 to enforce the provision of the ordinance to preserve , amongst other things , archaeological heritage in hong kong . two government - commissioned territorial - wide archaeological surveys were conducted in 1983 - 85 and 1997 - 98 respectively to assess the potential value of all identified archaeological sites in hong kong and to record new ones
  • Following the enforcement of the antiquities and monuments ordinance in 1976 , the antiquities and monuments office commissioned two territory - wide archaeological surveys which had both resulted in the discovery of many important archaeological sites in tuen mun . in recent years , the amo has conducted a number of archaeological investigations and rescue excavations in response to the infrastructural works carried out in the district where many relics and historic sites from the neolithic period , the bronze age as well as the han , tang , song , ming and qing dynasties were unearthed
  • From 1996 to 2001 , hangzhou archaeological studying institute of cultural relic investigated and excavated the relics for three times , and fully discovered its figure . in the relic , many porcelain shards are unearthed . the workshop of southern song dynasty had an exquisite construction
    于杭州九华山麓, 19962001年间,杭州市文物考古所对该窑址先后进行了三次考古调查和发掘,全面揭露了遗址全貌,其中的南宋层作坊营建考究,出土大量瓷片,被多数陶瓷专家确认为历史记载的“修内司窑址” 。
  • On the base of these , through the typiological analyse of pottery pot , this paper will carry out a research on the burials of donglianggang which have been divided into several parts . it also synthesized other burial materials belonging to xituanshan culture , carried on systematic compairison and analyse and made an inquiry about periodization and dating of xituanshan culture ’ burials again . through that , we can understand the archeology culture of the second songhua river in the bronze age further
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