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  • He won a performance award at the 2nd china arts festival , and outstanding awards at the accreditation award competition for young to middle - aged actors of shenyang and the 3rd arts festival of shenyang
    曾主演《群英会借东风华容道》 、 《未央宫》 、 《三岔口》等。曾获全国第二届艺术节演出奖、省中青年京评大奖赛及省第三届艺术节优秀奖。
  • He feigns drunk during the banquet and lets jiang share his bed with him . this provides the latter the opportunity to steal a document from him , purportedly a letter from two admirals of cao cao indicating their intention to defect to the wu camp
  • He was the winner of the first plum blossom award for chinese theatre and recipient of the life achievement award presented by the new york lincoln center . he was taught by jiang miaoxiang , xiao lianfang , yan qinglin etc . he was taught by his father the repertoires of
    曾得姜妙香、肖连芳、阎庆林等传授,并在其父指导下,学得《群英会》 、 《八大锤》 、 《罗成叫关》等剧。
  • At 1pm on 15th december , jay chou , chen jin , ni da hong , li man and qin jun jie , who arrived at beijing cultural broadcast for the publicity of their new film “ curse of the golden flower ” , became the first guests for the station ' s new programme
  • Drums can whip up your energy and turn you on ! this production , a live recording of the hong kong drums festival , brings you a deeper insight into this traditional musical instrment . this uplifting instrument is commensurate with hong kong s reputation as a world - class metropolis
    乐团为延续这阵声威力量,特邀请专业录音师冯炜国先生,以最先进的direct stream digital dsd录音系统,将两场盛会作现场收录,并选辑此鼓王群英会,以飨乐迷!
  • They were all renowned for performing laosheng old man roles , but each was known to have created a style that was to distinguish each of them as an exemplary maestro and pioneer of a stylistic lineage in peking opera . in this operatic showcase , only classics of the three schools of styles have been picked . the full - length productions are
    是次京剧名家展演主要是展示麒派、马派及唐派的经典剧目,包括长剧《群英会借东风华容道》及《四进士》 ;折子戏《驱车战将》 、 《月下追韩信》 、 《三娘教子》及《未央宫》 。
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