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  • President long deng receives the award “ the most creative chinese business leader in 2005 ” from the asia pacific chinese business leader ' s forum from aug . 7 th to aug . 9 th
  • I worried for this sister as i thought of the enormous hospital bills and the language barrier she might have to face in the united states if she sought treatment for her illnesses . at that time , we could only pray for masters help
  • These formerly rare products are now becoming mainstream commodities even in major supermarkets , indicating a change in consciousness toward healthier living and compassionate eating among u . s . consumers
  • U . s . judges , attorneys , and legal counsel will provide you with their insight and knowledge on how to face the business and legal challenges raised by u . s . intellectual property litigation
  • Media reports on the day before new year s eve , 2002 s biggest party night , the mayor of new york city approved one of america s toughest anti - smoking laws , while the governor toughened new york state s driving statute
  • This trend is reflected in the growing popularity of vegetarianism . for example , the vegetarian resource group recently estimated that in the year 2000 there were six million vegetarian adults living in the united states
    这股日益风行的潮流,从全球素食人口的成长即可见其端倪,譬如,素食资源团体vegetarian resource group最近估计在西元2000年时,美国地区约有六百万的成年人茹素。
  • As the people of formosa worked together to fight sars , formosan members of the supreme master ching hai international association , with help from their brothers and sisters in the united states , purchased 63 , 000 n95 and surgical masks for local medical workers photo 1
    当福尔摩沙全国上下力抗sars之际,清海无上师世界会委请美国地区同修购得六万三千个n95口罩,献给第一线的医护人员图1 。
  • As the people of formosa worked together for anti - sars , formosan members of the supreme master ching hai international association , with help from their brothers and sisters in the united states , purchased 63 , 000 surgical masks and n95 mouth masks for local medical workers photo 7
    当福尔摩沙全国上下力抗sars之际,清海无上师世界会委请美国地区同修购得六万三千个n95口罩,献给第一线的医护人员图7 。
  • Resume highlights : a german native who was trained as an accountant , pfeiffer spent 20 years at texas instruments before joining compaq in 1983 ; he made his name by launching compaq ' s successful european division , which outstripped u . s . sales in 1990
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