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  • Thus many isolated networks are formed in tv station , and this brings much inconvenience . web services is a new distributed computing technology , it combines the tight - coupling n - tier computing technology and the concept of loose - coupling web together , thus allows the clients access the distant web services via standard network transfer protocol ( http ) . the messages of request and response are all encoded in xml format
    Web服务( webservices )是近年来刚刚出现的一种分布式计算技术,它将紧密耦合的n层计算技术与松散耦合的web概念相结合,允许客户端通过标准网络传输协议http调用远程的web服务,调用请求和返回结果都用xml进行编码,从而实现了平台无关性。
  • This thesis introduces in details the design and functional realization of the models of video compression , decompression and video transport . after this , some key relating technologies , including com , directshow , windows socket , tcp / ip , video compress codes and transport technologies , have also been presented in the thesis to realize a complete digital video monitoring system
    本文对系统中视频压缩、解压缩,视频数据传输等模块的设计方法及功能实现都进行了比较详细的介绍。本文还简要介绍了设计实现该系统所用到的各种相关的关键技术:包括com技术与directshow技术、视频图像压缩、传输技术以及相关的网络传输协议tcp ip 、 windowssocket技术。实现了一个完整的数字视频监控系统。
  • This system makes people fell convenient in looking for data , try my best to our environment protection . the following problems and related solutions are given in this paper : data structure suitable for web computing multi - user access and concurrent control mechanism in webgis network protocol and intelligent information agent of spatial information spatial information security in web computing environment web integration strategy of spatial information based on metadata architecture of webgis at last , the development trend of webgis is discussed
  • In the second chapter , this paper explains in detail the principally technic about how to implement this system , include the video media compress tech , the network protocol and the network program socket ( the winsock programimg ) . in the third chapter , this paper summarizes the whole designing outline of the remote monitor system
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