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  • To implement some leadership and management development programmes for senior executives ( hod level and above )
  • Be good at coordinating and establishing necessary personal relationship and network , and have good technology management skills
  • However , he emphasized that only good management can realize livestocks productive potentiality , and he talked about many real examples of success in the world
  • Find out as much as you can , including products , size , income , reputation , image , management talent , people , skills , history and philosophy
  • Who has related work experiences of high - grade hotels for 1 - 3 years strong ability of coordination and management , good team spirit and fluency in english
    有1 - 3年高星级酒店相关工作经验,良好的协调能力和人员管理才能,良好的团队合作精神,英语流利。
  • Jose mourinho last night claimed he ticks all the boxes of managerial greatness and has the " charisma " that sets him apart from most of his rivals
  • Human beings have stridden forward the era of info - knowledge economy ! to succeed , we need bright heart , win - win idea , wisdom , advanced enterprise culture and professional management
  • In a recent survey of more than 2 , 000 business leaders , 87 % said they make judgments about people ' s management ability based on how well they run meetings
    在一个近期访问了2000多位商业领袖的调查中发现,他们当中87 %的人说,一个人的管理才能,可以从他申办会议是否称职来得出结论。
  • Leadership is concerned with “ doing the right thing ” while management is about “ how things get done ” . a leader is like a ship , the followers are the sea beneath
    领导才能体现在“正确地做事”而管理才能则表现在“怎样将事情做完” 。一个领导者就好比是一艘船,而跟随者就好比是船下的水
  • Paul turner is the chief representative in the vso who ' s objective is to use his education management skills in a multi cultural , achievement oriental envionment
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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