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  • Some social scientists predict ominously that robots will become more and more independent and eventually uncontrollable
  • Economists , psychiatrists , doctors and social scientists are finding ways of understanding happiness by examining real sets of information
  • Of course , engagement has not resolved all of our differences with china and china s integration into the world economy is far from complete
  • Social scientists are now devoting considerable attention to " non - verbal communication , " what happens when people get together , apart from their actual conversation
    社会科学家们现在特别注意"非语言文字的交际" ,即当人们到一起时,除了人们实际上所谈的话而外所发生的事情。
  • Because there is no perfect , general method for understanding complex questions about human beings , social scientists typically operate by conducting multiple studies with different methods
  • French social scientist and a founder of sociology who is known for his study of social values and alienation . his important works include the rules of sociological method ( 1895 )
    涂尔干,埃米尔1858 1917法国社会科学家,是社会学的创始人之一,以其对社会价值与异化的研究著称,他的重要著作包括社会方式的规则( 1895年)
  • Social scientists have incorporated the costliness of information in their models but have not ( for the most part ) come to grips with the subjective mental constructs by which individuals process information and arrive at conclusions that shape their choices
  • If you compare the children of working moms and the children of full - time homemakers , as social scientists have done for more than forty years , there is no advantage to the children of the mothers being at home , they don ' t turn out any better
  • And indeed since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics such as work or politics it might be thought that they would have great difficulties in accounting for more trivial phenomena such as holidaymaking
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