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  • Black bears will eat just about anything , but their staple diet consists of berries , nuts and insects
    今集短吻鳄将会跟较自己细小的黑熊较量,别小看细小黑熊的作战能力, ?们同样拥有自己的杀手? 。
  • This is an alligator . they have a lot of teeth and spend most of the time in the water . don ' t go near these big creatures
  • The son heard his dad , turned around and quickly swam back to the shore where his father was waiting , but not in time
  • Alligator hides are sold to companies such as gucci and rolex to make shoes , belts , wallets , handbags , boots , and watchbands
  • Despite the geographical misappropriation , since 1987 alligator mississippiensis has been florida ' s official state reptile
  • But this past summer you couldn ' t swing a dead alligator without hitting a news story about wild interactions between homo sapiens and other organisms
  • What did it , finally , was the emersons ' great dane . that dog is the size of a pony and has jaws like an alligator . they call him cuddles
  • The linnean alligator moniker presumably derives from the fact that american alligators can be found along the mississippi river as far north as oklahoma
  • The majority of the exhibits are confiscated items from law enforcement work undertaken in hong kong . these include fur from the big cat family , and leather products made from crocodiles , alligators and lizards
  • A prehistoric - looking creature , it is distinguishable from its cousin , the american alligator , by its longer , thinner snout , its lighter color , and two long teeth on the lower jaw that are visible when its mouth is closed
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