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  • Introduction : lovable electronic pets , often for him to eat or drink and when he should play the game , ill have to give him a shot
  • What the tamagotchi did well was allow the owner to role play as whatever kind of person he wished - kind and benevolent to maniacally evil
  • The functions that it has also create a feeling of electronical pet , as it senses your moves , understand what you want , respond you in the best way
  • Whether the education department has drawn up any guidelines to advise teachers on the procedures and methods to be adopted in confiscating students electronic virtual pets
  • The memorial hall is no hello kitty , electronic pets or a passing fad - it should have an appeal that can stand the test of time
    新加坡人的“ 5分钟热度”是出了名的,然而,晚晴园不是吉蒂猫,不是电子宠物,更不是流行时装,它应当有历久不衰的魅力。
  • In view of the recent fad of keeping electronic virtual pets among youngsters , some teachers have expressed concern about its effects on teacher - student relationship and children s mental development
  • Instead of churning out the usual mix of shooting , racingandsports games , computer games companies are increasinglyproducingnon - competitive and occasionally charmingly pointlessvideo gameexperiences . they include nintendogs , where the tive is to raise acyber - puppy ; electroplankton , where the goal is to encourage fishto make music ; and trauma centre : under the knife , where playerscarry out virtualoperations
  • They include nintendogs , where the objective is to raise a cyber - puppy ; electroplankton , where the goal is to encourage fish to make music ; and trauma centre : under the knife , where players carry out virtual operations . shigeru miyamoto , the head of nintendo ' s entertainment division , said brain training would reach those who previously assumed computer games were not for them
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