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  • And a french newspaper is reporting that follow - up tests on backup urine samples by tour de france winner floyd landis have turned up traces of synthetic testosterone
  • And although the tour de france is not , strictly , an american sport , the mounting evidence that doping is rife in it can only taint the americans who have won it in the past
    很多证据表明,美国人在环法自行车赛中- - - -严格而言,在美国上此项赛事并不算一项体育项目- - -取胜与兴奋剂脱不了干系。
  • Bastille day also falls during the running of the tour de france , and is traditionally the day upon which french riders will make a special effort to take a stage victory for france
    另外, “巴士底日”还适逢“环法自行车赛” ,作为传统,法国骑手们会在这一天格外努力,力争为法国夺取一个赛段的胜利。
  • Apart from a couple of harmless explosions as the tour de france cycling race passed through the navarre region , eta has been unable to inflict much damage since it took up arms again on june 6th
  • Apart from a couple of harmless explosions as the tour de france cycling race passed through the navarre region , eta has been unable to inflict much damage since it took up arms again on june 6th
  • The credibility of athletics and cycling was called into question when olympic 100 meters champion justin gatlin and tour de france winner floyd landis both tested positive for elevated levels of testosterone
  • To help replenish the estimated 8 , 000 calories they burn on a rigorous day , this year ' s cavers have taken up lance armstrong ' s tour de france diet : 70 percent carbohydrates and 15 percent fat and protein
    为了补充人体每天所需的8000大卡的热量,本次科学考察队带了环法自行车赛的阿姆斯特朗的食谱: 70 %碳水化合物和15 %的脂肪和蛋白质。
  • With the approval of the international cyclists union , the tour de qinghai lake international road cycling race was upgraded to the status of asian top class competition putting it on a par with world famous cycling competitions like the tour de france , tour de italy and tour de spain
    经国际自行车联盟的批准, “环青海湖国际公路自行车赛”晋级为亚洲顶级赛事,这使其与“环法自行车赛” 、 “环意大利自行车赛”和“环西班牙自行车赛”等世界著名的自行车比赛并属为同一级别。
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