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  • That ' s what forced the president ' s concession to greens in the state - of - the - union address on january 23rd
  • The former first lady , an environmental enthusiast , died wednesday of natural causes at the age of 94
  • Some involve giving most of the permits away to businesses ? a notion that green groups denounce as corporate welfare
  • Environmentalists are arguing that the sonar can cause whales to beach themselves and harms other marine animals
  • Environmentalists are praising a bill passed this week in california , the global warming solutions act of two thousand six
    环保人士赞扬本周加州通过一项法案, 2006年解决全球气候变暖。
  • Environmentalists are calling for mount everest to be put on unesco ' s world heritage danger list because of global warming
  • Some environmentalists worry that if cork starts to lose it ' s value , the cork oak forests of europe will no longer be protected
  • Environmentalists es - timate as much as 20 percent of the jungle has already been cut down by ranchers , loggers , farmers and de - velopers
    环保人士估计,大约20 %的热带雨林遭到大型畜牧场、伐木、以及农场的破坏。
  • Project alliance was launched in late 1994 by a coalition of iowa farming organizations , community groups and local environmental activists
  • Eleven of the world ' s wealthiest billionaires named the most eco - friendly as they commit to environmental preservation and eliminating global warming
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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