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  • The results showed that the electrophoric patterns of isozymes of " allogynogenetic crucian carp " were the same as those of its female parent and significantly different from its male parent
  • Ninety - four segregating markers were identified , among which 74 ( 78 . 7 % ) were in agreement with 1 : 1 mendelian ratio , and 20 ( 21 . 3 % ) were distorted markers
    有94条片段在父本或母本中分离。卡方检验显示74 ( 78 . 7 % )个分离标记符合孟德尔1 : 1遗传比例, 20个为偏分离标记。
  • The results showed that the setting rate of parent varieties has positive influences on that of combinations in general , especially for parent variety " minghui63 " , " gui99 " and " r838 "
    结果表明,父本品种结实率对组合结实率普遍存在程度不同的正相关影响,尤以明恢63 ,桂99 , r838的影响明显。
  • It could be tested that parent varieties influences on the setting rate of combinations were stronger if planted or different ecological sites ; some combinations resistant to high or low temperature could be bred on purpose by taking he influences into account
  • To explore the influences of setting rate of male parent varieties on that of their medium hybrid rice combinations , the correlation of setting rate between male parents and their corresponding combinations was analyzed with 7 male parent varieties and their corresponding combinations
  • The outcome ended up profoundly affecting buffett ' s life , for he ended up attending columbia business school , where he studied under revered mentor benjamin graham , the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation for buffett ' s investment strategy
  • Two isozymes ( peroxidase and - amylase ) of six tissue ( heart , liver , kidney , brain , eye and muscle ) of " allogynogenetic crucian carp " , its female parent qihe crucian carp and male parent red carp ( cyprinus carpio ) were analyzed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
  • The results showed that the electrophoretogram patterns of isozymes , serum and muscle protein of bumper crucian carp were the same as those of its female parent and significantly different from its male parent . it is speculated that the function of heterogeneous sperm was only in dna level and not behave on the isozyme expression of grown progeny
  • In the genetic process of reproduction , crossover and mutation of the chromosomes in this method , these operators pr , pc and pm are produced randomly within some space , the scale of population and all kinds of genetic probability are also adjusted randomly so that the diversity individuals of population is ensured . the ga of dynamic population scale passes more information of paternal chromosomes to the offspring , which is beneficial to search the global optimization or quasi - global optimization
    该方法在染色体进行繁殖、交叉、突变的遗传过程中,在某一范围内随机选取p _ r , p _ c , p _ m ,动态调整种群规模,保证了种群个体的多样性;选择同父本分别进行三种遗传过程使得父本染色体中有更多的信息传递给子代,这有利于搜索全域最优解或准最优解。
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