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  • Emily watson lounges and smokes in gosford park , gene hackman and gwyneth paltrow light up in the royal tenenbaums
  • And , since this is chain - smoking china , men make their way down the slopes with cigarettes clenched in their mouths
  • The massachusetts department of health says the level of nicotine found in us cigarettes has risen about ten percent in the pass six years
    马萨诸塞州的健康中心称,美国烟卷中尼古丁的含量要比6年前高出10 %
  • Then he lay down in his box bed , and the tides turned him in his sleep , the sea rolling his cigarettes for him as he dreamed and dozed
    钻进箱形床里躺下,他在熟睡中任凭潮水推转他的身体,这样海洋便在他嗑睡梦眠时替他卷着烟卷。 ”
  • Molly drawing on the frosted carriagepane at kingstown . what s that like ? gaudy dollwomen loll in the lighted doorways , in window embrasures , smoking birdseye cigarettes
    衣着花哨像玩偶般的女人懒洋洋地靠在灯光明亮的门口或漏斗状窗口,吸着鸟眼纹理烟卷77 。
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