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  • When wuzhou was opened to foreign trade in 1897 , the british built a consulate on top of white crane hill . the consulate building was returned to guangxi in 1928
    清光绪二十三年( 1897年) ,梧州府被辟为通商口岸,英国在白鹤山上建起领事署。 1928年底,英国将领事署交回广西。
  • It is a narrowest gauge railway of china . this railway line was planned to the qing dynasty era in 1903 . however , the plan was not implemented due to funds lack
    个旧碧色寨石屏之间为轨距600mm的铁路, 1903年清光绪29年由云南的商人及矿业资本家设立的"滇蜀铁路公司"设计。
  • The temple was built well beyond the qing dynasty , while its actual completion date was unknown . however , it was in about 1876 ( during emperor guang xu s era ) that it underwent some restoration
    这间庙宇历史相当悠久,已难考证于何时兴建,只知它曾于清光绪二年( 1876年)重修。
  • In the summer of 1900 , wang yirong caught malaria , a piece of chinese herbal medicine called " dragon bone " which was bought by his family drew his attention
  • In 1903 the qing dynasty of china and france made the railway construction treaty . and france starts the construction of this railway and finished in 1910 . the vietnam was the colony of france at that time
    这条线是依据1903年清光绪29年清朝政府和法国签订的"滇越铁路章程" ,法国政府指定的滇越铁路公司修筑和经营的。
  • Further , some industry watchers will likely be gratified by intel ' s format - straddling stance , as analysts have predicted that universal players will eventually win out in the coming months as next - generation dvd technology evolves
  • Commentator : in the trend of bringing western knowledge into china and establishing schools in guangxu 31 of qing dynasty , he had build a small private school in the hunan assembly hall of xiang river shore , and that is the only school
    解说:清光绪三十一年,即公元1905年4月12日,在西学东渐、大兴学堂的潮流中,他在长沙湘江之滨的湘乡会馆创办了一所小小的私立学堂? ?惟一学堂。
  • The last major renovation of the building probably took place during the guangzu reign 1875 - 1908 of qing dynasty as indicated by the engraved characters on the stone tablet above the main entrance . most of the original structure and features of the building remain intact
  • Hangzhou cuiqinzhai moslem food co . , ltd . has its history of nearly one hundred years . in emperor guangxu s reign during the qing dynasty , a moslem man from beijing with his wife opened a food workshop in hagnzhou , named cuiqinzhai and dealing with moslem snack
  • Yuelu academy , surviving the song , yuan , ming and qing dynasties , was converted into hunan institute of higher learning in 1903 , and hunan normal college , hunan public polytechnic school in succession , and was finally named hunan university in 1926
    岳麓书院自北宋开宝九年( 976 )正式创立以来,历经宋、元、明、清各代,至清光绪二十九年(公元1903年)改为湖南高等学堂,尔后相继改为湖南高等师范学校、湖南公立工业专门学校, 1926年正式定名湖南大学。
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