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  • Between that , you ' ve got the majority of people who su ort some sort of mixture of the two - what ' s called a mixed economy
  • Mixed and protected economies , from germany to south korea , have developed successfully without shareholder domination
  • Between that , you ' ve got the majority of people who support some sort of mixture of the two - what ' s called a mixed economy
  • The mixture among consumers , producers and government change constantly , making a dynamic rather than a static economy
  • Post - independence india chose the " middle road " as its development direction . the so - called mixed economic model can be defined as the economic strategy of india till 1991
  • As for economy , the persistency of the dominant public ownership and planning polity of production material was replaced by claiming the " mingled economy " dominated by the public ownership polity and the market economy including planning polity
  • In the mired economy , the government ' s functions majority lie in making up market defects , achieving the effective disposition of resources and the fair distribution of income . the governments can no longer intervene in what can be achieved by market itself
  • Social equity was set as an important objective through variety of subsidies and reservation for small scale and cottage industries . mixed economic model indeed generated a diversified industrial base for india but it retarded the rapid economic growth at the same time
  • Essentially , chinese cliff painting is an outcome of mixed economy and culture of the minorities and the nomadic economy and culture , which is independent from , and developing in parallel with the farming culture of the central plains ( comprising the middle and lower reaches of the huanghe river )
  • The reform direction and measures is put forward based on the analysis of dongyang - yiwu water right transfer case . yellow river rwtr distribution system is deducted using game theory . the conclusion is establishing new system integrating two economy systems
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