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  • This would compare favourably with spinal fusion - a major surgical procedure with considerable recovery time for the patient , resulting in a significant loss of mobility at the fused and adjacent discs
  • Still , know that bees are especially active on hot days , build their hives in protected environments ( e . g . under roofs and in alcoves ) , and swarm to relocate four or five times a year , from march through november
    虽然我们知道蜜蜂在夏季的活动力特别强盛,他们喜欢在有遮蔽的地方筑巢(如石缝中或天花板下) ,从三月至十一月也会有四到五次的集体迁徙行为。
  • One exceptionally brilliant and dynamic spirit was just entering his mother s womb . he had chosen to enter this world mentally handicapped . he was very excited about this opportunity and was aware of the growth he and his parents would achieve
  • The recent baby hand eye starts to coordinate , the small hand and feet moving force is more and more strong , can play with the small hand , also starts to want to stand up from failure moves ; the foreign sound response was keener ; chirp mutters the start study pronunciation
  • More important is : the central nervous just of mobile body is mixed in the neck of human body back , central nervous from vertebral outspread all the time to the whole body , once neck and back are oppressed , the vivid motive force that can allow the body naturally becomes poor
  • In november 1993 , president clinton further elaborated on our body of national strategy , in light of extensive assessments that concluded that the danger of illicit drugs to the american people continued to exist and evolve , but that in the post - cold war reality of tighter budgets , emerging democracies , and accelerating international trade and communications , new approaches were essential
  • Bigger steps may hurt your knees . walking offers both biological and psychological benefits . for instance , it helps us to unwind , resist depression , become keener observers of our surroundings , lose weight , increase the good cholesterol in the blood , minimize the risk of fractures in people with osteoporosis , lower high blood pressure , reduce the risk of complications from diabetes , and improve the flexibility of arthritic joints
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