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  • The hall on a white marble foundation is of bricks without any pillar or beam . bronze statues , a stone pavilion and a stone pavilion with a sundial are in front of the hall
    汉白玉石殿基,庑殿顶, 5开间,系砖券结构,不设梁柱,故又名无梁殿。
  • The umbrella - like structure of three tiers stands on a six - meter - high white marble circular terrace and is 32 meters high and 24 . 2 meters around at the base
    殿高32米,底部直径24 . 2米,巍然屹立于6米高的汉白玉圆台上,大有拔地擎天之势,恢弘壮观,气势非凡。
  • The main products are as follows : construction stone , tomb stone , stone carving , white marble arts , city representation , garden figure , rare stone and so on
  • This is “ mind - cleansing pond ” , with a grass - stone base on which a lotus made of white marble , visitors may wash their hands in the pond and make their soul and heart cleaning and pure according to buddhism
    这个水池名叫“洗心池” ,顶上的莲花是由汉白玉做成的,根据佛教,游客在池中洗手可以让他们的心灵得到净化
  • Nangtian jade 、 white marble 、 and hetian jade 、 topaz jade 、 dark green jade 、 lushan jade 、 imperial palace jade 、 woody - fish stone 、 woody jade 、 south jade 、 jade jade 、 xiu jade 、 du jade , agate , jade ornaments and other products
  • The main goods of our company vary from artificial antiques , bronze and white marble handcrafts , to wood carvings and sandstone sculptures , to wood , composite and strengthened floors , to knitted garments and children ' s clothing , to green teas , etc
  • Colors : chinese black , dark blue , gray , chinese red , peachblow , orange , chicken blood , liver red , dark green , light green , gem green , milk white , rice white , tiger yellow , snow white . . . application : fitment material , paint , grit dope .
  • Built from south to north on an eight - metre - high marble foundation , the hall of supreme harmony , the hall of medium harmony and the hall of protective harmony form the outer court of the forbidden city together with the hall of literary glory on their east side and the hall of military prowess on their west side
  • The factory undertakes the composing of the following business mainly : white marbl carved stone crouches the lion , the sleeping white marbl carved stone lion leak from the lion , white marbl carved stone , white marbl kylin , white marbl mythical wild animal ( pixiu ) , white marbl dragon and phenix lamp pole , white marbl ornamental column , the cattle opening up virgin soil , white marbl figure of the buddha , the top of a pillar stone , white marbl fairy maiden , white marbl personage , white marbl carved stone elephant ( figure in stone ) , white marbl dolmen , white marbl shi ting , stone bridge , white marbl stele , white marbl check dragon post , white marbl balustrade , granite dysmorphism , stone strip , flat piece of stone , foundation stone , door block , jade article treating , emboss , ornamental column , dragon post , lettering , silica sand , white marbl woollen cloth , ancient times build gardens ( breast board , platform ming dynasty , artificial stone with textures cut with an axe , rockery design , flowerpot , eroded limestone , mechanism cobblestone , mushroom stone etc . ) , rockery fountain , nursery stock flowers and plants etc . paper of , saying that the stone table , stone bench , stone light , board carve characters on a seal , the column , vase post , window cover with , the door pocket , geomantic omen ball wait , and managing
    本厂主要承做以下业务:汉白玉石雕蹲狮、汉白玉石雕走狮、汉白玉石雕卧狮、汉白玉麒麟、汉白玉貔貅(皮休) 、汉白玉龙凤灯柱、汉白玉华表、拓荒牛、汉白玉佛像、柱顶石、汉白玉仙女、汉白玉人物、汉白玉石雕大象(石像) 、汉白玉石牌坊、汉白玉石亭、石桥、汉白玉石碑、汉白玉盘龙柱、汉白玉栏杆、花岗岩异形、石条、石板、汉白玉奠基石、门墩、玉器加工、浮雕、华表、龙柱、刻字、硅砂、汉白玉毛料、古建园林(栏板、台明、剁斧石、板道、石桌、石凳、石灯、牌匾刻字、圆柱、花瓶柱、窗套、门套、风水球等,并经营假山石、花盆、太湖石、机制鹅卵石、蘑菇石等) 、假山喷泉、苗木花卉等。
  • Now , have ascertained preliminarily that the mineral resource in boundary has tin , alluvial gold , lead , zinc , crystal stone , mica , reasonable stone and the kind of white marble , animal resource has wild ox and blue sheep , dian golden monkey , little panda and black bear etc . , medicine has yellow company and day flax with plant , fu ling , shellfish mother and ox night , qiang work
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