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  • The location of the center tubule in the two species is different . in p . trituberculatus it locates at the top of the acrosome tubule , and in s . chekiangenser it locates at the base
  • Trituberculatus has homogeneous sperm nucleus , and s . chekiangense consists of fibrous and condensed sperm nucleus . the number of radial arms in p . trituberculatus is less than the latter ' s . the sperm of p . trituberculatus is round in shape , and that of s . chekiangense is square in shape
  • Simplified result of earthquake effects indicate that earthquake resistant capacity are obviously scarce and need to be reinforced . secondly , combining with the timber one - dimensional structural characters , the dissertation bring forward the technology that gfrp stick and steel bar reinforce the timber members whose compression perpendicular to grain have excess load and discuss the craftwork how to do the reinforced members
  • The key technologies that control wooden pagoda vertical compressive deformation were conducted . for the members that have high damnification and were lacking of bearing capacity need be replaced . northeast larch that has high strength and corrosion resistance is the prime timber , but this timber is easy to crack , so their crack resistance need studied
    分析发现,木塔底部几层普拍枋和梁? (柱脚下的横梁)的横纹局压抗力作用效应比最小的仅有0 . 24 ,势必产生过大的变形,是引起木塔高度降低的主要原因,也是木塔当前最大的安全隐患。
  • First of all , the structural characteristic and essential of damages were introduced . secondly the efficiency factor of how much the compression stress perpendicular to grain is more than the design value was calculated . thirdly , the main reason that members were made too large deformation and serious damage was pointed out
  • Yingxian ancient wooden pagoda is a flat - form tall building , which was formed by the superposition of monolayer temples . the height of 67 . 31 meters made it encountered two unprecedented puzzles : firstly , with the height increased whopping , wind resisting and aseismatic capability become the main question of the whole structure ; secondly , because of the weight increased unconventionally , members of the lower 1 ~ 3 floors hold overloading perpendicular to grain and they brought large vertical deformation
    相对于一般殿堂结构,高度和自重的成倍增加,使木塔遇到前所未有的两项难题:其一是因自重增加,使承受上层柱轴向荷载的梁(普拍枋和梁? )横纹局压应力成倍地超过设计强度而产生严重的压缩变形甚至劈裂,导致木塔整体竖向变位。
  • Dundrum , south , or sutton , north , both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects , the premises to be held under feefarmgrant , lease 999 years , the message to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow 2 lancets , thermometer affixed , 1 sittingroom , 4 bedrooms , 2 servants rooms , tiled kitchen with close range and scullery , lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses , fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the encyclopaedia britannica and new century dictionary , transverse obsolete medieval and oriental weapons , dinner gong , alabaster lamp , bowl pendant , vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory , handtufted axminster carpet with cream ground and trellis border , loo table with pillar and claw legs , hearth with massive firebrasses and ormolu mantel chronometer clock , guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chime , barometer with hygrographic chart , comfortable lounge settees and corner fitments , upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre , three banner japanese screen and cuspidors club style , rich wine - coloured leather , gloss renewable with a minimum of labour by use of linseed oil and vinegar and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre , bentwood perch with a fingertame parrot expurgated language , embossed mural paper at 10 - per dozen with transverse swags of carmine floral design and top crown frieze , staircase , three continuous flights at successive right angles , of varnished cleargrained oak , treads and risers , newel , balusters and handrail , with stepped - up panel dado , dressed with camphorated wax , bathroom , hot and cold supply , reclining and shower : water closet on mezzanine provided with opaque singlepane oblong window , tipup seat , bracket lamp , brass tierod brace , armrests , footstool and artistic oleograph on inner face of door : ditto , plain : servant s apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook , general and betweenmaid salary , rising by biennial unearned increments of 2 , with comprehensive fidelity insurance annual bonus , and retiring allowance based on the 65 system after 30 years service , pantry , buttery , larder , refrigerator , outoffices , coal and wood cellarage with winebin still and sparkling vintages for distinguished guests , if entertained to dinner evening dress , carbon monoxide gas supply throughout
  • 2 . sperm ultrastructure the sperm is nonflagellated and composed of a main body in which including nucleus n apical cap and a little cytoplasm and a single spike extending from the convex surface of the apical cap , which consists of about twenty radial fibrillae on which exhibiting periodic cross - striations . the concave surface of the apical cap surrounds the little cytoplasm which is highly condensed and has n ' t any organella and sperm nucleus , which is uncondensed and composed of filamentous materials and many membrane - bound vesicles
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