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  • She was assisting him with a book about them , and at her insistence he was making a special study of the magdelena , rather than any other alpine glacier
    现在,她正在协助博士完成一本冰川学著作。并且在她的坚持下,博士对梅格德雷那冰川做了专门的调查, ? ?而不是阿尔卑斯山其它的冰川。
  • After putting on a show in their hometown of magdeburg in 2001 , bill and tom met gustav schfer ( born september 8 , 1988 ) and george listing ( born march 31 , 1987 )
    2001年他们在马格德堡的一个小镇里演出后,彼尔和汤姆遇到了盖斯特?沙佛儿( 1988年9月8日出生)和乔治?里斯汀( 1987年3月31日出生) 。
  • What let his opponent down , according to leslie zebrowitz , a psychologist at brandeis university and joann montepare of emerson college , was his " neotenous [ 7 ] facial anatomy " or , to put it more simply , his " babyface "
    布兰德斯大学心理学家莱斯利?泽布罗维茨和埃默森学院的乔安?蒙特帕里认为,费恩格德的对手之所以落败,是因为他“稚气未脱的面部特征” ,或者说的直接一点就是“他长了一副娃娃脸” 。
  • The disease was discovered on the farm near the town ? of guildford , south - west of london . sixty cattle were cold - - > culled there saturday , the action was much quicker than 2001 . the critic said the slow response by the government of ? then - prime minister tony blair allowed the virus to spread
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