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  • Tess was a precocious eight - year - old girl when she heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother , andrew
  • Real madrid and arsenal are rumoured to have been alerted to his precocious talents and have asked to keep abreast of developments
  • I was a precocious actress in her eyes ; she sincerely . looked on me as a compound of virulent passions , mean spirit , and dangerous duplicity
  • The god was precocious : on the day of his birth , by midday he had invented the lyre , using the shell of a tortoise , and by nightfall he had rustled the immortal cattle of apollo
  • This paper aims at the localization of genetic algorithm , summarizes some strategies which may improve the performance of genetic algorithm and avoid the prematurity of genetic algorithm
  • One is that there will be more premature children brought to this earth in the next 5 years than ever before because there is a rush to get in here to experience this exact process
  • Which is scheduled to come out in late april . therefore , in this interview , not only would he talk about his thoughts on winning the hkfaa award , he would also introduce this new movie to us
  • A twisted version of a grown - up heidi in the city , this marks an astounding debut for first - time helmer maren ade . melanie is a bright - eyed country girl armed with progressive teaching methods and a promising new career
  • Since the premise of the story is quite traditional and the love relationship is also very innocent , are you afraid that the depiction of the teenagers life and family might not look realistic and accurate
  • Two years later , she told her mother , “ i really want to act , ” and her wish was granted just one year there after , when the precocious 5 year old made her feature film debut with a small role in 1980 ' s altered states
    两年后,她告诉妈妈: "我真地想演戏" ,而她的愿望仅在一年后就实现了,这个早熟的5岁小姑娘在1980年的故事片《美国巨变》中生平头一回塑造了一个小角色。
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