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  • As an illustration , the european union ' s official policy directions include : the promotion of social integration , regional development , cultural development and educational development ; the establishment of a center for developing cultural enterprises ; investment of resources in reinforcing the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovative concepts ; and nurturing the development of new types of cultural - industry techniques
  • In 1635 , " zhushen " nuchen was changed to manchu and after the revolution of 1911 the revolution led by dr . sun yat - sen which overthrew the qing dynasty , it was changed to manchu nationality . the manchus have their own language and writing , which was originated from altai language family . the manchu language was created on the basis of the mongolian language
    满族是一个有悠久历史的民族,其先民可追溯到2000多年前的肃慎人,其后裔称“革末革昌” “娄” “勿吉”等,他们一直生活在长白山以北的黑江中下游乌苏江流域的广阔地区。
  • Issues controversial during budget debates include the british rebate , france ' s benefits from the common agricultural policy , germany and the netherlands ' large contributions to the eu budget , reform of the european regional development funds , and the question of whether the european parliament should continue to meet once a month in strasbourg
  • Many commentators believe that these debates represent a major split between governments such as france and germany , who call for a broader budget and a more federal union , and governments such as that of the uk , who demanded a slimmer budget with more funding transferred to science and research ( and whose watchword is modernisation )
  • The nineteenth - century pianist anton rubinstein called him , the piano bard , the piano rhapsodist , the piano mind and the piano soul and added , whether the spirit of the instrument breathed upon him i do not know , but all possible expressions are found in his compositions , and all are sung by him upon this instrument
    19世纪钢琴家安东鲁宾斯坦anton rubinstein称他为:钢琴诗人钢琴吟游诗人钢琴的精神钢琴的灵魂。并说:我不知道钢琴的神髓是否已注其中,但所有的音乐表情都一一展现在他的作品中,他透过钢琴歌咏人类所有的情感。
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