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  • Ancient german became dutch , danish , german , norwegian , swedish and one of the languages that developed into english
  • Ancient german became dutch , danish , german , norwegian , swedish and one of the languages that developed into english
  • Ancient german became dutch , danish , german , norwegian , swedish and one of the languages that developed into english
  • Ancient german became dutch , danish , german , norwegian , swedish and one of the languages that developed into english
  • Oslo is scandinavia ' s oldest capital . its name derives from two old norse words meaning ' god ' and ' meadow '
    奥斯陆是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上最为古老的都城。它的名字来源于古老的挪威语,一个是“神”一个是“草地” 。
  • Excuse , who can translation the norwegian file ? we are the union translation company shenzhen , guangdong , china ! nice to meet every body
  • In norwegian , the meaning of “ fjord ” is a bay that comes inland . norway has the gretest fjords in the world , and is thus named the “ country of the fjord ”
    挪威语中, “峡湾”的意思是深入内陆的海湾。挪威峡湾的规模在世界上首屈一指,这令挪威获得“峡湾国家”的称号。
  • The bachelor majors are taught mostly by norwegian and a part of graduate courses are taught by english which mainly accept students awarded scholarship and exchange students
  • Alarm manager is translated into czech , danish , dutch , english , finnish , french , german , greek , italian , latvian , norwegian , portuguese , russian , spanish and simplified & traditional chinese languages
  • The name stephenson or stevenson is said to signify , in the norse tongue , the son of steeve , or the strong ; and certainly the subject of this story exhibited , in a remarkable manner , the characteristic quality of his family
    斯蒂芬森或斯蒂文森姓氏据说在挪威语中意味着“英勇之子” ,当然,本传记的主题就是以一种独特的方式展示这一家族独具特色的意志品德。
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