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  • St paul ' s church was built by portugese , later was taken over by dutch , then sought by english , now a ruin without the roof
  • The mob was hoping to seize a store of ammunition with which to battle the aristocrats , but for all their trouble they found little save a handful of puzzled prisoners
  • 1926 an ammunition depot explosion at lake denmark n . j . , was triggered by lightning , killing 31persons . sporadic explosions continued for days ; damage reached $ 93 000 000
    位于纽约州莱克登马克的一座弹药库遭电击引起爆炸, 31人丧生,零星爆炸持续了好几天。损失9 . 300万美元。
  • Cambodia workers search for dead bodies in the arms warehouse destroyed by an explo - sion early on thursday in cambodia ' s north - western province of battambang , about 300 km northwest of ph - nom penh , march 31 , 2005
  • Several of the museum s 11 galleries are devoted to the first opium war 1839 - 1842 , the british period , the battle of hong kong , the japanese occupation , and the hong kong garrison of the people s liberation army 1997
  • Follow the signs for a journey filled with wartime memories and heroics , marked by ruins that record key chapters of the battle including ammunition magazines , an anti - aircraft gun platform , underground bunkers and pillboxes
  • Other military remains , such as the battery , torpedo station , caponiers and the ammunition store , have all been restored as part of a historical trail where visitors can picture the role played by lei yue mun fort in the coastal defence system
  • As they drew near the island seemed to lift from the sea , and the air was so clear that they could already distinguish the rocks heaped on one another , like cannon balls in an arsenal , with green bushes and trees growing in the crevices
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