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  • The results of morphological characters showed that p . abalonus and p . cyslidiosus were the same species , as well as p . djamor and p . salmoneostramineus , p . pulmonarius and p . sajor - caju
  • Among the different main mateuial tested , soil and cattle manure mainly provided cd accumulated by agaricus blazei . the ability to absorption and accumulation of edible fungi is related to aminoacid index
  • 5mg . kg - 1 respectively , zn concentration decreases in pileus when other hms were added , cu , pb , cd , concentration increasion in pleurotus ostreatus , the transformation and distribution is higher than single element , cd > zn > cu > pb
  • The igs1 was successfully amplified and varied in length : a l . lkb product for p . djamor and p . salmoneostramineus , a common product 1 . okb for the other tested isolates of pleurotus , 700bp for h . serotina , 1 . 3kb for l . edodes and a . hisporus
    而igs1区域在供试侧耳菌株中发生了长度变异,红平菇和和桃红侧耳igs1长度约1 . 1kb ,其它侧耳均为1 . 0kb 。另外, 28srdna5 ’端长度在四个供试属中相同, its和igs1则不完全相同。
  • The second part has first selected the best formula of mother and stock culture medium which adapt to pleurotus ostreatus , lentinus edodes , flammulina velutipes , agrocybe cylindracea , volvariella volvacea , agaricus bisporus , auricularia auricula , pleurotus membraneens , ganoderna lucidium and agaricus blazei
  • Abalonus and p . cystiodisus , iii p . tuber - regium , imp . citrinopileatus , v the other tested isolates , including p . ostreatus , p . florida , p . sapidus , p . corticatus , p . cornucopias , p . columbinus , p . spodoleucus , p . ferulae , p . nebrodensis , p . eryngii , p . pulmonarius , p . sajor - caju and pleurotus sp
    28srdna5 ’端pcr ? rflp聚类分析结果表明,在92的相似系数下,可将52个侧耳菌株分为五类:红平菇和桃红平菇;鲍鱼菇和囊盖侧耳:具核侧耳;金顶侧耳;其它供试侧耳。
  • The third part studied ecological effect of combined pollution for hms in plearotus ostreatus , measured the lingth and anti - weed - moulds ability of hyphae , biomass of plearotus ostreatus , biovailability of hms , hms enrichment , the variety of hms toxicity and the transformation amd redistribution ability of hms . the ecological dffect of hms on plearotus ostreatus is reviewed . hms mentioned above were harmful to the growth and yield of pleurotus , ostreatus , but cd could enhance billogical efficiency
  • Cluster analysis based on rapd showed that at 76 % similarity level , all tested isolated could be clusted into nine groups , i . e . 1 p . ostreatus and p . florida , ii p . ostreatm p . sapidus , p . spodoleucus and p . eryngii , iii p . colnmbinus , p . corlicalus , p . cornucopiae , p . nebrodensis and p . ferulae ; iv p . pulmonarius and p . sajor - caju , v three isolates with indefinite species , vi p . luber - regium , vii p . cilrinopileatus , viii p . djamor and p . salmoneoslramincus , ix p . abalonus and p . cysliodism . 4 . a single uniform product 1 . 46kb in size resulted from pcr amplification of the 5 " half of the 28s rrna gene for all isolates of pleurolus and the other three genera
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