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  • However , linearization of the boussinesq equation 624 science in china : series d earth sciences allows the derivation of analytical solutions valid for specific cases . here we follow the methodology of brutsaert 20 22 to linearize the diffusion term in : 22cossin , hkpdhkhnttffxfx where p is the linearization constant taken to be 0 . 5 usually and d l is the mean aquifer depth . the clas - sical separation of variables method for partial differ - ential equations is adopted to give the analytical solu - tion of eq
    对于方程2 , brutsaert进行了如下的线性化处理20 22 22cossin , hkpdhkhnttffxfx ? ? ? ? ? ? 3这里p是线性化常数一般取值为0 . 5 20 , 21 ,而d l是整个潜水面的平均厚度的线性化参数,下面采用science in china ser . d earth sciences第4期? ?田向军等:基于boussinesq - storage方程同时考虑水分储存和入渗的地下径流机制377的是偏微分方程理论中比较经典的分离变量法来给出以上这个经过线性化处理后的方程的解析解
  • The result of transmission electron microscope ( tem ) showed that layers of layered silicates were exfoliated and dispersed in matrix homogeneously . according to statistical data , average thickness of layers was lonm , and the thickness of the biggest layers was less than 40nm , only a few layers were exfoliated in monolayer whose thickness was about inm
    透射电子显微镜( tem )照片显示:层状硅酸盐片层发生剥离,片层均匀分散在nbr基体中,统计表明片层的平均厚度约为10nm ,最大的聚集体的片层厚度达到40nm ,推断有一小部分片层剥离成单晶层的形式,厚度为1nm 。
  • The jinjiang landslide , which is away 5km from the left bank of upper stream of baihetan hydropower station in the jinsha river , with about 1 . 58 108m3 of accumulation and 56m of average thickness , is very huge ; so that , evaluating the stability of landslide and forecasting its danger are also particularly important to assess the possibility of the project
    金江滑坡距拟建的金沙江白鹤滩巨型水电站左岸上游仅5km ,其堆积体积近1 . 58 10 ~ 8m ~ 3 、平均厚度达56m ,因此,弄清其稳定性状况及合理地预测其危害对评价工程建设的适宜性显得尤其重要。
  • Let h be the deviation of the true shape of the free surface from the shape it would hold if the water were distributed in a steady state , then 1 sine . snnaxnnnshxthxthxttfsxkbs using darcy s law and ssqnl , the discharge from the aquifer is given by 0001 . xssxsxnnnnsnhqsntfkuhxhhfkuhhxhqfkuhxfsslfkttsk it is easy to get the mean subsurface runoff of this grid bqt . bqtql 626 science in china : series d earth sciences for the aquifer , the continuity equation holds . dsntlqsntdt new subsurface runoff parameterization , a synthetical recharge series is applied to some aquifers with dif - ferent parameters . firstly , the parameter is tested : three aquifers with the same following parameters are used : d 1 . 5 m , k 0 . 0008 m s , l 100 m , f 0 . 34 , p 0 . 5 , three different slopes are considered : 0 . 002 , 0 . 02 , 0 . 05 . fig
    在该模型中有三个重要的模型参数的:整个潜水面平均厚度的线性化参数d ,整个潜水面的平均坡度,以及饱和和水力传导度k .首先考察一下该模型对于坡度的敏感性:取d 1 . 5 m , k 0 . 0008 m s , l 100 m , f 0 . 34 , p 0 . 5 .取下面三个不同的坡度0 . 002 , 0 . 02 , 0 . 05 .图2 a给出是实验给定的入渗强度的时间序列,图2 b给出的是分别选取这三个坡度时该地下径流机制所产生的不同的地下径流的情况
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