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  • A guy has to be effeminate or flamboyant or sensitive
  • A guy has to be effeminate or flamboyant or sensitive
  • - too hot ! - don ' t be a baby
    -太烫了! -别那么娇气
  • Too hot ! - don ' t be a baby
    太烫了! -别那么娇气
  • Jiao jiao qi , the two trees
  • You ' re such a pussy , bobby
  • He resolved that he would not be so spoiled , and he went on to the dancing pavilion
  • Often very annoying weeds , goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests
  • The perfect woman , you see , was a working woman ; not an idler ; not a fine lady ; but one who used her hands and her head and her heart for the good of others . " her children arise up and call her blessed ; her husband also , and he praiseth her
  • Andrew described a childhood memory when , like any other parent , the queen picked him up when he came off his tricycle while playing at windsor castle . " yes , she used to pick us up and she d say don t be so silly , there s nothing wrong with you , go and wash it off . like any parent , there s nothing wrong with you , go and clean up .
    安德鲁回忆说,当他小时候在温莎城堡骑自行车不慎车摔下来时,女王就像普通的母亲一样把他扶起来并鼓励他要勇敢, “是的,当我们摔倒后她总是把我们扶起来,然后说‘不要那么娇气,你没事儿,快去洗干净’就像许多母亲所做的那样” 。
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