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  • You will not die young , what ' s more , you will be so successful that one day you will be - come one of the highest officials in all of china
    你不会早,而且你还会功成名就,官至极位,这都是因为你有颗仁慈的心。 ”
  • The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom
  • The sulfur dioxide produced in coal combustion poses an immediate threat to the health of china ' ' s citizens , contributing to about 400 , 000 premature deaths a year
  • Some of this skill is innate , but many people enhance their ability to learn - - and to relate different aspects of learning - - through college and university courses
  • Dy330 ( ayggg ) and dy331 ( ayggg ) showed green color after yggg was knocked out . as analysis by bioinformatics , yggg belongs to peptidase _ m48 family which contains hexxh motif that forms a metal binding site
    生物信息学的分析提示: yggg可能是一种金属蛋白酶,属于peptidasem48家族,臼?罕医念傅士行住公式含有he基序。
  • The northern part of the outer and inner walls is a semicircle and the southern part of them is square , declining from north to south to symbolize the traditional belief that heaven was high and round and the earth was low and rectangular
    内外坛墙的北部呈半圆形,南部为方形,北高南低,这既表示天高地低,又表示"圆地方" 。
  • Conducted with the assistance of various government agencies , the project follows the concept pf co - existence , with man caring for the forest and the forest supplying some of mans basic needs such as food , shelter and medicine
  • 4 . research on operating mechanism of mbs we should select the model of financial mechanism that is suitable for china . the industry of banking , security and insurance should involve in deeply
    四、我国住房抵押证券化的运行机制研究1 、证券化流程设置梆州大舍坯十厚位仿摘要我国要建立适合中国的金融机构模式,银行、证券、保险三业并举。
  • Thirteen hundred and eighty - two miles had been passed over from san francisco , in three days and three nights ; four days and nights more would probably bring them to new york . phileas fogg was not as yet behindhand
  • In mice , for instance , delivery of melatonin increases the risk of tumor development , and the overproduction of growth hormone leads to kidney problems , premature heart and lung failure , and an increased probability of early death
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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