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  • The people of tien - jing martial art field grew excited and gathered together to support master liu . in the fight , both took wooden swords . oda attacked liu directly
  • Kiyoko is a niece of former house of representatives speaker yoshio sakurauchi . seiichi ota , former director general of the management and coordination agency , is also one of her relatives
    福田贵代子是日本前众议院议长樱内义雄的侄女, “管理与合作机构”的前总管太田诚一也是她的一位亲戚。
  • Koike kazuo ( 1994 ) " learning and incentive systems in japanese industry , " aoki masahiko and dore , ronald ( eds . ) , the japanese firm : the sources of competitive strength , oxford university press
    小池和男中马宏之太田?一( 2001 ) 《造技能?汽车产业的生产现场》 (中文译名:制造技能?汽车产业的生产现场)东洋? ?
  • Numerical simulation of foundation deformation under asymmetrical loading with the finite element method was performed by use of the cam - clay model and the ohta - sekiguchi model
  • Japanese scholars oda tatsuo , isoba akira and nakano miyoko , etc . have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of journey to the west and whether the novel was related to the teachings and taoist priests of quanzhen
  • The spirit of self - help , the inspiration behind the establishment of this institution , encourages individuals to achieve personal autonomy , and to look to themselves as the greatest source of aid . individuals must carve out their fate by virtue of their own efforts
  • August 5 , 2003 konica minolta holdings , inc . tokyo ( august 5 , 2003 ) - - - konica minolta holdings , inc . ( fumio iwai , president & ceo ) is pleased to announce that it has formed a new integrated holding company through management integration on august 5 , 2003
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