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  • The middle route project of s - n water transfer is a long route one , crosses 4 basins of the yangtze river , the haihe river , the yellow river , the haihe river , and the engineering geologic conditions differ greatly
  • Lastly , the scaling hypotheses is applied to the relationship of flood volume and duration in this paper . the flood intensity - duration - frequency form is proved based on the temporal scaling property of flood
    最后,本文将标度不变性引入洪水洪量? ?历时关系中,对大流域年最大洪量随历时变化的标度性质行了尝试性的研究。
  • In 2004 , with the support of danone - evian group , the wetland ambassadors have expanded their geographic range beyond china ' s borders , and carried out activities along both the yangtze and mekong rivers in china , myanmar , cambodia , laos and vietnam
  • Comprehensive harness of small watershed has made the combination of large with small watersheds , county with township , village and households , and point with wide ranges , it also realize the unification of harness and development , ecological benefit and economical benefit , as well as harness and prevention
  • At present , our country has already made some basin correlated with managing in the basin and legislated , have established the differentiated control in the changjiang river , the yellow river , huaihe river , haihe river , pearl river , loose liaohe river , seven major basin of tai hu , have played certain function on the water resource protecting the basin
  • The capsim model , originally developed by the center for chinese agricultural policy research of the chinese academy of sciences , is the first and most comprehensive model for chinese food demand , supply and trade analysis at the national level . the podium model , developed by the international water management institute , is a tool for accounting of water resources at the basin level . capsdvi - podium has been used as a tool in this paper for analyzing food security and water balance scenarios of china in 2020 based upon the database about food and water situation at the national level , provincial level , basin level and county level , hi accordance with such analysis , this paper puts forward policy recommendations for irrigation diversion of water , regional distribution of agriculture and food security
    因此,论文将粮食需求和生产、灌溉需水和水资源保障紧密的联系起来,在不打破水资源流域特性的基础上,以全国和九大流域片为研究对象,通过利用全国、流域、省级、县级统计资料和农产调查及专家访谈资料所建立的包含农业生产、粮食供求、灌溉用水和水资源等指标体系在内的中国粮食安全与水资源数据库,以原来中国科学院农业政策研究中心( ccap )开发的以部门均衡理论为基础的农业政策分析和预测模型( capsim )和国际水资源管理研究所( iwmi )开发的以流域水资源核算理论为基础的水资源政策分析模型( podium )为依托,发展了capsim ? podium模型,利用该模型为工具,系统、全面地分析了未来全国和九大流域片的灌溉水平衡和粮食安全情景,在此基础上提出我国灌溉用水、区域农业布局和粮食安全政策。
  • Developing and establishing macro - scale distributed hydrological model are required in order to make certain the regional water and energy cycle , study and resolve the hydrology and water resources problems under the changing environment according to the climatic prediction of gcm . as a branch of hydrologic cycle , land - surface hydrologic processes are nearly relative to atmospheric circle by water and energy exchange between land - surface and atmosphere
  • The south - to ~ north water transfer project is a large - size trans - basin strategic water infrastructure aiming for improvement of natural environment , supporting sustainable water development and a project related to sustainable development of economy and society , eco - environment protection and survival of offspring in the 21st century or even longer
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