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  • " we need to look at the needs in the nano - world , where machines and materials can be the size of atoms and molecules , " said uh doctoral student vinod p . veedu
  • The usimba students could connect with both hawaii alumni network which covers us mainland , north america and asia , and the alumni network of sun yat - sen university
  • University of hawaii nanotechnology experts have invented the world ' s smallest brush ? a device boasting bristles a thousand times finer than a strand of human hair
  • University of hawaii nanotechnology experts have invented the world ' s smallest brush ? a device boasting bristles a thousand times finer than a strand of human hair
  • Mehrdad ghasemi - nejhad , a professor of mechanical engineering at the university , said the brush may be used to sweep nano dust , paint small micro - tubes and clean pollutants in water
  • Professor daniel kwok of the hawaii university delivered the tan kah kee lecture in singapore recently on china the one and the many , an end - of - century view of unification and division in the chinese historical experience
  • The us national cancer institute and researchers at the university of hawaii found that women who ate the most soy - based foods , such as tofu and miso , when aged 5 to 11 , reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 58 per cent
    美国全国癌症研究所和夏威夷大学的研究人员发现,在5岁至11岁时经常吃豆腐味噌等豆类食品的女性患乳腺癌的几率要低58 % 。
  • The us national cancer institute and researchers at the university of hawaii found that women who ate the most soy - based foods , such as tofu and miso , when aged 5 to 11 , reduced their risk of developing breast cancer by 58 per cent
    美国全国癌症研究所和夏威夷大学的研究人员发现,在5岁至11岁时经常吃豆腐、味噌等豆类食品的女性患乳腺癌的几率要低58 % 。
  • A research team from the university of hawaii discovered the i - 401 submarine thursday during test dives off oahu . " we thought it was rocks at first , it was so huge , " said terry kerby , pilot of the research craft that found the vessel
    据cnn3月21日报道,美国夏威夷大学一个水下研究小组17日在夏威夷群岛的瓦胡岛海域进行试潜水时,发现了这艘“ i - 401 ”号潜艇。
  • Newyork ( reuters health ) - oral contraceptives with low levels ofestrogenand progestin reduce the risk of ovarian cancer even more thanolderversions of the " pill " , according to investigators at theuniversity ofhawaii in honolulu
    据纽约(路透社健康频道)报道? ?檀香山的夏威夷大学研究者指出,低含量雌激素和黄体酮的口服避孕药比旧的药丸更能降低患卵巢癌的风险。
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