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  • Hey ! it 's you !
  • Ah, well! then i must not give up the hope of bringing him round .
  • Upon my word, i think it took me twenty years to get used to my wife .
  • Well, when you are hot, that way, every little thing irritates you .
  • "ay" said he, beginning to eat,"and you, by your long face, should be a whig? "
  • Come, mary, don't be so innocent. is miss alice wilson alive, then, will that please you ?
  • Well, i went, left all that i loved, and went to those to whom at best i was only indifferent .
  • And, good heaven, man, you are a condemned rebel, and a deserter, and a man of the french king's .
  • "bless me, i do believe i've been asleep," he cried, "well, i'm dead beat; i think i shall go to bed. "
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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