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  • A camel foams at the mouth as he is whipped by a robot jockey during a race at nad al - sheba in dubai , united arab emirates
  • On the other hand , the symptoms may be much more violent , and cause me to fall into fearful convulsions , foam at the mouth , and cry out loudly
  • The astonishment which i felt on first seeing a party of fuegians on a wild and broken shore will never be forgotten by me , for the reflection at once rushed into my mind - such were our ancestors
    我永远忘不了第一次在一处荒凉、碎乱的海岸上看见一队福其安人时的惊讶,因为当时一个想法立刻出现心头? ?我们的祖先就是这样的人,他们完全赤裸,文身涂彩,长发纠结,因兴奋而口吐白沫,表情狂野,惊恐,猜忌。
  • So sudden and violent was the fit that the unfortunate prisoner was unable to complete the sentence ; a violent convulsion shook his whole frame , his eyes started from their sockets , his mouth was drawn on one side , his cheeks became purple , he struggled , foamed , dashed himself about , and uttered the most dreadful cries , which , however , dant
  • As a promising way of setting them right , half of the half - dozen had become members of a fantastic sect of convulsionists , and were even then considering within themselves whether they should foam , rage , roar , and turn cataleptic on the spot - thereby setting up a highly intelligible finger - post to the future , for monseigneur s guidance
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