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  • It has done this in two ways : by increasing complexity , and by forging tighter links between various markets and securities , making them dangerously interdependent
  • On a police stake - out , the action will only ever take place when food is being consumed and scalding hot coffees are perched precariously on the dashboard
  • Therefore , when the vikings landed in north america in 1000 a . d . , they believed they were dangerously close to a colony of their irish enemies called ‘ greater ireland
    所以,当北欧海盗在公元1000年登陆北美洲大陆时,他们相信自己已危险地靠近了他们的爱尔兰敌人的殖民地, “大爱尔兰” 。
  • The basket being large and heavy , car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head , where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo
  • Her moist and inviting lips attracted me like a rare flower ' s stamen , and i felt a sudden carnal pleasure as our tongues intertwined smoothly and perilously , like precious silk
  • Even a small bit of mud , snow , excess lubricating oil or grease in the bore can cause dangerously increased pressures , causing the barrel to bulge or even burst on firing , which can cause injury to the shooter and bystanders
  • We both desired to have he stranded safe enough , in a sheltered place , and so that , when the time came , she could be got off again with as little labour and danger as might be ; and until that was done i considered that my life would certainly be spared
  • Though we do not question the influence of environment on human persons , or the duty of improving to the utmost possible limit the ordering of social and economic conditions , we must hold that all forms of " utopianism " are unrealistic and dangerously misleading
  • They were just beginning to descend ; and it was evident that the horse , whether of her own will or of his the latter being the more likely , knew so well the reckless performance expected of her that she hardly required a hint from behind
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