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  • Situated several km s - w of paris , versailles , at the time of louis xiii was no more than a modest hunting lodge
  • How to protect different kinds of heritage like the castle of versailles , its gardens and its park , the city and the agricultural plain which extends the park
  • Arrive paris , a city renowned by the beautiful river seine , in the morning . immediately , we will check in to hotel and begin our tour of versailles palace in the afternoon
  • Therefore , when sunday came , the mender of roads was not enchanted though he said he was to find that madame was to accompany monsieur and himself to versailles
  • Embellished by several generations of architects , sculptors , decorators and landscape architects , it provided europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century
  • The carriages that drove up to the door were compelled to turn , to avoid a fountain that played in a basin of rockwork , - an ornament that had excited the jealousy of the whole quarter , and had gained for the place the appellation of " the little versailles .
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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