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  • In the course of the discussion which project finance patterns is studying , the author used some gains of others and seniors for reference , also puts forward own self some new views in this thesis
  • In 1996 , our provincial government began to implement transitional transfer payment to the lower governments . it was new for us , we had to start from the facts , using other ' s advantage experience , advancing through explore
  • Shandong multi - purpose card technology co . , ltd adopts professional and comprehensive strategy and upholds the importance of innovation and pragmatism in propelling the construction of information highway within our province
  • In particularly , by analyzing the age and culture background that samuel c . c . ting makes contribution to the society , we can discover that his success in a sense is a good result of the culture of both western and chinese country
  • The thesis argues that bank medium and financial market are complementary in providing financial services and promoting economic growth . it is maintained that different financial structures will benefit from mutual incorporation
  • In my opinion , we should have a clear understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of the running of foreign country " s legal system . on the other hand , we should creat more audaciously and close to the society firmly
  • Secondly , deeply & systemically discuss and generalize the investment market essence and characters . only on the basis of recognizing and mastering investment market characteristics can investors develop their creative market investment strategies
  • He insisted there is no inexorable connection between laws and morals . around these two terms , he made a long debate against dworkin who is the most outstanding figure of natural jurists . adopting and absorbing in some ideas of his opponent , he further improved and developed analytical jurisprudence and did lasting and constructive contribution to it and even the whole western legal philosophy
    哈特,分析实证主义法学最著名的代表,在法律和道德这一经典法哲学问题上,坚决区分“实然的法”和“应然的法” ,主张法律与道德没有必然联系,与自然法学派的杰出代表德沃金围绕法律和道德的关系,展开了持久论战,兼收并蓄,进一步完善和发展了分析法学,为分析法学乃至整个西方法哲学都做出了持久和建设性的贡献。
  • Culture of the three gorges result from the gradual connection and dissolving of the culture between bashu and jinchu that lies in the ancient yangzi riuer basin . a few characteristics of the culture in sichuan , yunnan and central china are dissolved in them . all of them have the factor of in corporate anything
  • This paper covers the following points : conditions provided in the business trade publishing house for mao dun ' s translation work , mao ' s translation works from 1917 to1927 , his translation principles , his introduction and opinions of realist writing , hiss translation theory and criticism in the 1930s and his opinion on the value of translation
    商务印书馆提供的译业条件, 1917年至1927年茅盾译业的第一阶段,视界宽广、兼收并蓄的翻译方针,对写实主义的客观介绍和主观倾向,在20世纪30年代的'翻译年'中,茅盾的翻译理论和批评,翻译价值论。
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