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  • Thus proposes an alternative method for the research of superiority of two predictors based on the biased estimation . in the light of the approximate multicollinearity of matrix , distance for principal components estimation ( namely distance ) is put forward
    针对设计矩阵的多重共线性问题,为了改进基于最小二乘估计的统计诊断量cook距离,提出了基于massy主成分下的cook距离( mpcc距离) 。
  • The main results are as follows : according to the approximate multicollinearity of matrix , the third chapter constrains the regression coefficient and obtains generalized ridge estimation of the linear model ' s parameter under the ellipsoidal restriction
    主要结果如下:论文第三章从设计矩阵的多重共线性角度出发,考虑回归系数的椭球约束,获得了椭球约束下线性模型参数的一种新型估计- -广义岭型估计。
  • ( 2 ) the performance of support vector machine ( svm ) for classification was analyzed . it was found that svm for classification is more sensitive to noise than other methods , in particular , the kernel function , its parameter and penalty factor c are the main factor affecting the classification performance of svm
    ( 2 )支持向量机采用了结构风险最小化( srm )原则,用于模式分类已表现出优良的性能,但在观测数据中存在复共线性时,其分类效果就有所降低。
  • The conclusions elicited by so many studies at home and abroad indicated that the financial data and financial index can be used to predict the financial crisis or bankruptcy risk of an enterprise , and in case of the methods in the field of financial risk prediction has inclined to be stability , and no important breakthrough in recent years
  • Strong the relationship of tax and economy , adjust the structure of budgetary expenditure … ) and some points need further research ( e . g . the analysis of tax structure … ) this paper adopt unit root test , cointegration test and ecm model to solve the spurious regression of traditional forecast model . var model has good forecast effect and stepwise regression can solve multicollinearity
    本文在继承前辈研究成果的基础上力争有所突破,在研究方法上,针对传统税收预测模型存在的某些缺陷,采用单位根检验、协整检验及ecm模型解决困扰计量经济学界多时的伪回归问题; grange因果关系检验、 var模型被证明具有较好的预测效果;逐步回归则有效的克服了多重共线性带来的问题。
  • Based on the co - linearity analysis of runoff and precipitation among different hydrological stations and various kinds of water and soil conservation measures , a statistical hydrological model of precipitation - soil and water conservation - runoff for the river basin is established by applying multiple regression method to analyze indicators and runoff data
  • Then , the default ratios of 45 st - companies are computed and 37 potential financial index are selected referred by researches on financial distress at home and abroad . finally , the equation of default ratio is produced by stepwise regression , and three of the basic problems in linear regression are considered well , that is case - wise diagnostics and auto - correlated errors , as well as collinear relationship and teteroskedastisity
  • The dissertation is divided into six chapters . chapter 1 , summary , which explain the importance of the topic and suggest the system , method , and main contents of this dissertation . chapter 2 : the research of the theory of national debt and the practice of the debts issuing in china , in this part , we sum up the theory of national debts and the method of researching moderate scale in china and other countries . chapter 3 : the analysis of burden of national debts in china , which analyze the debts " burden by the rate of debts " burden and the rate of repayment of debts and the degree dependence of debts and so on . chapter 4 : influence factor study of the reasonable limit of national debts " quantity , in this chapter we get the factors that mostly affect the scale . using the actual datum and modern econometric and statistical analysis method , we conclude that the repayment of capital and interest and the finance deficit are the most important factors
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