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  • The idiom " fox assuming tiger ' s ferocity " comes from the story above , illustrating those who tease people by others ' force
  • According to the philosophy , the basic law by which man must live , in spite of his surface veneer of civilization , is the law of the jungle
  • Do not put your trust in friends and relatives , and do not put off the care of your soul till later , for men will forget you more quickly than you think
  • Under the environment of mass propagation , the current people are easily affected by the " virtual world " made by the media
  • The russian people like the apparent stability and rising living standards that they have enjoyed over the past eight oil - fat years
    过去八年社会稳定,人民生活质量提高,深得俄罗斯民心? ?这八年俄罗斯依仗丰富的石油,才有了稳定繁荣的表面文章。
  • In my opinion , on no account can we identify wealth with happiness . i also believe that one should never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness
  • That is quite possible , remarked heathcliff , forcing himself to seem calm : quite possible that your master should have nothing but common humanity and a sense of duty to fall back upon
    “那倒是挺可能的, ”希刺克厉夫说,勉强使自己显得平静, “你主人除了出于世俗的仁爱观念和一种责任感之外就没有什么可依仗的了,这是很可能的。
  • Relying on its advantage in language and the keenness to high - tech and service industry , india has been offering its service to the new economy of the u . s . largely and systematically with high quality and low price
    印度依仗其语言的优势以及对高科技和服务业的“悟性” ,正在高质量、低价格、大量地、有系统地对美国的新经济提供服务。
  • As such , suitable forecasting tools are needed to encompass the full range of vastly different meteorological factors over a broad range of spatial scales , from synoptic systems over the expanse of the continent down to local systems arising from orographic influence
  • As such , suitable forecasting tools are needed to encompass the full range of vastly different meteorological factors over a broad range of spatial scales , from synoptic systems over the expanse of the continent down to local systems arising from orographic influence
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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