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  • [ color = red ] capricorn [ / color ] : known to be a bit conservative and reserved , you can thaw the cold capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom
  • The celestial jewelry section attracted many people who were most interested in master s latest design , the " heavenly dragon chopstick holder .
  • This is the most powerful statue of padmasambahava ' s yellow kubera ever seen in the world , which is also one of the family heirlooms of the dzogchen khangsar family
  • It had been handed down from father to son ; for the singular clause of the only will that had been found , had caused it to be regarded as a genuine relic , preserved in the family with superstitious veneration
  • " the spada family was one of the oldest and most powerful families of the fifteenth century ; and in those times , when other opportunities for investment were wanting , such accumulations of gold and jewels were by no means rare ; there are at this day roman families perishing of hunger , though possessed of nearly a million in diamonds and jewels , handed down by entail , and which they cannot touch .
    “斯巴达家族人是十五世纪最古老,最强盛的家族之一。而在当时,没有金融交易和工业,所以积攒那些金银珠宝并不为奇。就是在当今,也有些罗马家族几乎都快饿死了,可他们还有价值百万的钻石珠宝,那是当作传家之宝世代传下来的,他们是不能动用的。 ”
  • This piece is exquisitely fashioned in 22k gold and inlaid with glittering rubies , representing the splendor of the universe , the magnificence of heaven , the creativity of classical art , and the richness of the human world . this functional chopstick rest can also serve as an ideal paperweight , and is a perfect item for collection and display
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