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  • Also containing two articles written by hon and his wife ms choi yan - chi , poems by hon and a chronology of his life and career , the catalogue brings together all this information in a valuable reference work that will enhance the reader s study and appreciation of hon s creativity and provide clues for deciphering the secret codes of the artist
  • The lijiang river , which runs through the center of guilin , is a complementary attraction to the peaks and a setting for displays of cormorant fishing . fishermen on bamboo rafts use strong lights suspended over the water to attract the fish . the cormorants , which are tethered with rings round the base of their necks , catch the fish and then disgorge them for the fishermen until their work is done had the tings are removed so they can eat
    “翡翠之路”江起于“山水甲天下”的桂林,止于“山水甲桂林”的阳朔, 40多公里水程风光荟萃,如入山水长卷的水中画廊,俯望沁心醉人的漓水,纵观壁立千的峰林,饱览深涧险滩幽洞流泉飞瀑的美景,山景水景洞景石景,使人有左右顾盼目不暇接之感。
  • Some precipices are hundreds of meters high , as flat as knife - cut , some stone posts pierce into the sky , some are as big as mounds , some are like zhuge liang s eight diagram formations , or taishang laojun in front of a pill oven , or a castle , mushroom , elephant , field , pig and goat , etc . the rocks are ancient , simple and black , giving visitors a feeling of mystery and vastness under such a mysterious atmosphere
  • Also containing two articles written by hon and his wife ms choi yan - chi , poems by hon and a chronology of his life and career , the catalogue brings together all this information in a valuable reference work that will enhance the reader s study and appreciation of hon s creativity and provide clues for deciphering the secret codes of the artist
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