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  • During the task of editing this massive volume , we encountered many difficulties such as sorting out the contradictions inherent in primary sources , the old spelling systems of names , and the uncertainty of release dates . i wish to thank mr yu mo - wan for his expertise and research in sorting out these difficulties
  • This book is composed of following sections : in the first section , we present the nessary definitions and give a well - rounded treatment of known families of almost difference sets ; in the second section , we discuss the possibility of constructing almost difference sets with 2 , 4 and 6 order cyclotomy classes ; in the third section , we construct two new families of almost difference sets by using cyclotomy modulo pq , where p and q are distinct primes ; in the last section , we discuss the methord to construct almost difference sets with difference sets
    然而即使这样,已发现的几乎差集还是很有限。本文由以下四个部分组成:第一部分给出必要的定义和综述;第二部分就2阶、 4阶及6阶分圆类可能构成几乎差集的情形给于讨论;第三部分利用模pq ( p , q为互异素数)分圆类构造了两类新的几乎差集;第四部分讨论了由差集构造几乎差集的方法。
  • This article reviews and rethinks the three different but crossed approaches to integrate language - the approaches of being european , being classical chinese and being oral dialect , and then comes to the conclusion that the combination of all language resources is still the direction to the modern chinese literature in the new century
    文章对现代汉语文学“欧化” 、 “文言” 、 “方言口语”三条互异而交叉的语言整合路向进行了梳理和反思,并认为对“古今中外”各种语言资源的“杂糅调和”依然是新世纪现代汉语文学前行的方向。
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