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  • The company that runs it says high production costs and weak prices forced the decision
  • He is persuaded by the triad to kidnap matthew only because he is desperate to recover what he has lost
  • " thefed is still really important , especially with not much out there totrade off of , " said matt kelmon , portfolio manager of the kelmoorestrategy funds
    "联储仍是真正重要的,尤其是没有多大出有权衡的, "他说马特重回市场,投资组合经理创下策略基金
  • The enterprise needs develop and development calls for ever - increasing room , so it is necessary and inevitable for national cooperation to conduct transnational operation
  • There are usually two workarounds to these problems : either revert the maximum allowed tcp window sizes to a smaller value preferable or turn off tcp window scaling altogether deprecated
    有两个方法可以用来避开这些问题:将tcp windows最多能允许的大小调低为原始值上策,或是乾脆彻底将tcp window scaling关闭下策
  • The midfielder , who now plays for figueirense and has been their driving force in the brazilian championship , admitted in a television interview that he was five years older than stated in his records
    面对媒体连日来的猜测和指责,曾于2003年帮助巴西夺得世青赛冠军的职业球员卡洛斯?阿尔贝托日前公开承认,他当年曾“在年龄上弄虚作假” ,并表示当时完全是迫于贫困与饥饿的双重压力才出此下策的。
  • Speaking at a press conference , dr yeoh said this action checklist - the packaged measures - reflected the three - pronged approach adopted by the government - 1 ) the implementation of comprehensive cross - community measures to prevent a resurgence of the disease ; 2 ) adoption of an effective system for keeping the disease under surveillance ; and 3 ) the adoption of an emergency response system to dictate swift actions to combat the disease
    杨医生在记者会上公布有关方案时表示,抗炎措施纲目涵盖政府所采取的三管齐下策略,包括(一)实施全面细致及全民的措施, (二)防范疫症重临;保持精密迅速的系统,监察疾病;及(三)采取果断有效的应变行动,实施紧急应变机制对抗疾病。
  • On the basis of it , the 50000 ton year aluminium production line will import pot technology with pre - baked anoed from abroad , consists of electrical facilities aluminium smelter pot line perbaked anode production line with a capacity of 30000 ton year anodes cast division 2 km railway and some other welfare facilities etc
  • " to build the bridge linking hong kong , macau and zhuhai , it would be wiser to introduce private investment rather than draw on the fiscal reserves . be it selling old infrastructural facilities to provide capital for the new bridge or letting private corporations participate directly in the project , this strategy can steer private capital into the government s attempt to revitalize the economy . " (
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