lane n. 莱恩〔姓氏,男子名〕。 n. 1.小路,小巷。 2.(行列间的)通路。 3.航道;空中走廊;规定的单向行车道。 4.【体育】跑道。 5.〔the L-〕 (伦敦的剧院区)特鲁利街 ( = Drury Lane)。 a blind lane 死路,死胡同。 the inside [outside] lane 内[外]车道。 It is a long lane that has no turning. 〔谚语〕路必有弯;山穷水尽还有路。 the red lane 喉咙。
In 16 - 18 centuries , international trade developed rapidly under the promotion of the discovery of new land and new sea - lane 16 ? 18世纪,在地理大发现和新航路的推动下,国际贸易快速发展。
On the other hand , with the increase of ship number and the appearance of special ships , the sea - lane and the port are becoming relative narrow 另一方面,航运量的不断增大,船舶航行密度越来越大,航道及港口变得相对狭窄,船舶操纵变得更加困难和复杂。
Geolocation coverage will extend from hiking trails and sea - lanes all the way downtown , indoors and into areas that are currently plagued with weak reception , such as under tree limbs 地理定位的覆盖将从人行小路和海运航线一直到闹市区、室内以及那些目前接收信号微弱的地区,比如树荫下。
Geolocation coverage will extend from hiking trails and sea - lanes all the way downtown , indoors and into areas that are currently plagued with weak reception , such as under tree limbs 地理定位技术的覆盖面将从登山路线到海运航线一直到市镇、室内直至那些接收信号一时微弱的地区,比如树干下。
Geolocation coverage will extend from hiking trails and sea - lanes all the way downtown , indoors and into areas that are currently plagued with weak reception , such as under tree limbs 地理定位的覆盖范围将从各种陆路和海运航线一直扩展到闹市区、室内以及那些目前接收信号微弱的地区,比如树林。
Geolocation coverage will extend from hiking trails and sea - lanes all the way downtown , indoors and into areas that are currently plagued with weak reception , such as under tree limbs 全球定位的业务范围将由为行人带路,海上领航扩展到城镇、室内、以及那些目前因接收困难而无法定位的区域,如树下。