scanty adj. (-ier; -iest) 1.缺乏的,(数量)不足[不多]的 (opp.ample )。 2.狭小的,稀疏的。 3.吝啬的,俭省的。 Crops are very scanty this year. 今年收成极少。 be scanty of (words praise) 难得(开口),不大(称赞)。 adv. -ily ,-iness n.
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - workshop and manufacturing 小艇.船体构造和船材尺寸.车间和生产
Scantling draft ship 结构强度吃水船
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - part 4 : workshop and manufacturing 小艇.船体结构和尺寸.第4部分:车间和制造
Table of scantlings 构件尺度表
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - materials - steel , aluminium alloys , wood , other materials 小艇.船体构造和船材尺寸.材料.钢铝合金木材及其它材料
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - materials - core materials for sandwich construction , embedded materials 小艇.船体构造和船材尺寸.材料.夹层结构的芯材.嵌入材料
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - part 1 : materials : thermosetting resins , glass - fibre reinforcement , reference laminate 小艇.船体的构造.第1部分:材料:热固性树脂
Small craft - hull constructions and scantlings - part 3 : materials : steel , aluminium alloys , wood , other materials 小艇.船体构造和材料尺寸.第3部分:材料:钢铝合金木材和其它材料
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - part 4 : workshops and manufacturing iso 12215 - 4 : 2002 ; german version en iso 12215 - 4 : 2002 小型船舶.船体结构和船材尺寸.第4部分:车间和制造业
Small craft - hull construction and scantlings - part 2 : materials : core materials for sandwich construction , embedded materials 小艇.船体结构和尺寸.第2部分:材料:夹芯结构用芯材料,嵌入材料