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用"sbcd"造句"sbcd"怎么读"sbcd" in a sentence


  • 校本课程开发


  • Part ii : using the method of history , analyse the course of the policy of sbcd ' s establish in china and it ' s concrete content
  • In our county , the centralization curriculum system came to be changed in the mid - term of 1980s , and now , the policy of sbcd has been established
  • But the sbcd is developed only for compulsory education . it is still at the beginning for senior middle schools and even new for chemistry course
  • Part iii : analyse the sbcd ' s theoretical basis deeply and explain the major enforcement effect through the practice of xishan senior school
  • As an important part of the sbcd , chemistry course puts an important role in enriching the students " chemical knowledge and fostering the students " ability
  • The idea of school - based curriculum development ( sbcd ) emerges from some developed countries in the west and it is one of the major trends within the field of curriculum innovation in the 1970s and 1980s
  • The school - based curriculum development ( sbcd ) , which prospered in the 1970s - 1980s , is now becoming the trend of the curriculum reform of the world and one of the basis tends of the elementary education curriculum reform in future
    兴起于20世纪70 、 80年代的校本课程开发,现在已经成了当今世界课程改革的一种潮流,已经成了未来基础教育课程改革的一种基本取向。
  • As a country - level school , the environment for the sbcd far behind those key schools in big cities . we ca n ' t just follow them and we must develop our own curriculum with a local characteristic
  • Part i : based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the two curriculum development pattern : sbcd and nation - based curriculum development , put forward the guiding ideology of sbcd , and describe the history of the sbcd ' s grow
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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