Goddess saraswati herself has incarnated in the house Saraswati女神在这屋子里现身了!
What has happened to saraswati here Saraswati女神出什么毛病了?
Manjushri is represented here as kalarupa , and by his side , his consort , tsamundi , an emanation of the goddess saraswati . this terrifying form of the buddha of wisdom , personifies enlightenment by the conquest of anger 降魔阎尊又名狱帝主是文殊菩萨的忿怒像站在?身旁的是?的配偶-嚓母地妙音天女的化身。
Saraswati () is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science. She is the companion of Brahma, also revered as his Shakti (power).