Control group : the varicosities of greater saphenous vein were treated by traditional operation 对照组采用传统大隐静脉高位结扎加静脉剥脱手术方法。
Treatment of 21 cases with lower extremity varicose veins with electrocoagulation and denudation of trunk of great saphenous veins 电凝加主干剥脱治疗大隐静脉曲张21例
Objective : evaluate the curative effect and the nursing care about laser treat varicosis of great saphenous vein 摘要目的:评价腔内激光治疗下肢浅静脉曲张的临床疗效和护理。
Treatment of chyluria with silver nitrate irrigation of the renal pelvis and anastomosis of inguinal lymph nodes and great saphenous veins 腹股沟区淋巴静脉分流加硝酸银肾盂灌注治疗乳糜尿的临床疗效
Repair of severe contracture of anticheirotonus of the hand with medial skin flap of the leg pedicled with medial cutaneous branch of the saphenous nerve 带隐神经小腿内侧筋膜皮支皮瓣修复重度虎口挛缩应用体会
Methods treatment group : the varicosities of greater saphenous vein were treated by microwave coagulation intracavitary treatment together with injection coagulation treatment of its tributaries 方法治疗组采用微波血管腔内凝固封闭大隐静脉结合属支曲张静脉穿刺凝固方法。
Conclusion : using laser to treat varicosis of great saphenous vein , curative effect exactly ( within six monthes ) , hurt small and comeback rapidly , is good method that should be extend ed 结论:腔内激光治疗下肢静脉曲张近期( 6个月以内)疗效明确,损伤小,术后恢复快,适于推广。
An intramural venous leiomyosarcoma of the distal end of great saphenous vein is presented with initial symptom of a small painless nodule on the left lower leg of a 58 year - old male patient 我们在此报告一个58岁男性病患,大隐静脉末端发生的静脉壁内平滑肌肉瘤,其最初临床表现为左小腿无痛性的小肿瘤。