Compulsory education comes under the same head as sanitation . 义务教育可以和卫生归入一类。
It happened frequently in countries where sanitation was poor . 这在卫生条件不好的国家是常有的事。
The location is exceptionally poor , viewed from the sanitation point . 从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。
The impact of a number of plant diseases can also be lessened by sanitation . 许多植物病害的冲击也能靠环境卫生而减轻。
Police and fire protection and sanitation services are also the responsibilities of local government . 警察、消防和卫生设施也是由地方政府负责的。
One such compact, involving the states of new york, new jersey, and connecticut, created the interstate sanitation commission to abate pollution in the waters of the new york harbor area . 举一个例,纽约州,纽泽西州和康涅狄格州签订协议,成立了一个州际卫生委员会,用以防止纽约港口地区的水流污染。
Summer ' s here ; we need to pay attention to sanitation 夏天到了,我们要注意卫生。
And , the other major item is water and sanitation 其他主要项目是供水和医疗设施。
Constructivism and asean public sanitation cooperation 建构主义与东盟公共卫生合作
And , the other major item is water and sanitation 另一项重要事宜是水与卫生。
sanitationとは意味:sanitation n. 衛生(施設). 【動詞+】 ◆improve sanitation 衛生施設を改善する. 【+動詞】 ◆Sanitation in this area is improving . この地区の衛生施設は改善されている. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆good sanitation すぐれた衛生施設 Better sanitation has transformed the l...