sangre de drago 《英文msh词典》Sangre de Drago ; [同义词] Sangre de Drago ; [主题词] Croton ; [中文释义] 墨西哥紫檀 ; [英文释义] A plant genus of the family EUPHORBIACEAE. The common name of dragon's blood is also used for DRACAENA and Daemonorops (PALMAE). Croton tiglium is the source of CROTON OIL.
Well, maybe next time you should go easy on the sangria 下次你可得少喝点桑格利亚汽酒
What would you like to drink ? sangria, a cold beer 你们想喝点什么?桑格利亚汽酒,冰啤
My wife makes the best sangria 我妻子做得一手绝好的桑格利亚汽酒
Serves excellent mediterranean food and particularly refreshing sangria . live music adds to the laid-back beach-house ambience 至于模达湾,村子不大,却是老饕一享口福的好去处。
From its simple roots in spain, sangria has grown to become a popular, refreshing drink around the world 从它在西班牙的简单的根源来看,桑格利亚汽酒已经渐渐成为世界上一种流行的,提神的饮品。
Spain is not a land of sun, sangria and siesta, but a county of work, study and chores, research has shown 然而,最新的调查结果表明,西班牙人不仅爱吃爱玩爱睡午觉,他们同样热衷于工作学习和干家务活。
Every host has their own recipe, but sangria's greatest appeal is all about taking your favorite red wine and fruits, and experimenting with them 每个主人都有自己独特的配方,但是桑格利亚汽酒最大的吸引人的地方是它能够让你尝试一起享用最喜爱的红酒和水果。
I anticiapte seeing many of you out and about taichung this month, whether you re savoring some spanish tapas dishes with a glass of sangria, or sprawled out in the grass listening to world-class jazz 我也希望能够看到你们这个月到台中四处游走,品尝一些西班牙调酒或是躺在草地上欣赏美妙的爵士乐.快下载来看吧