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用"sancho"造句"sancho"怎么读"sancho" in a sentence


  • 三町
  • 桑乔
  • 桑舒


  • They remind one of don quixote and sancho panza . our national epic has yet to be written , dr sigerson says
  • Madrid ( reuters ) - for more than 600 years , spaniards have believed prince sancho de castile ' s uncle poisoned him to become king of spain , but studies of the boy ' s mummified body show the seven - year - old died of natural causes
  • One of spain ' s great royal legends may have been put to rest by medical tests that show sancho , son of king pedro i " the cruel " of castile , and a successor to the throne , was likely to have died in 1370 of a lung infection such as pneumonia
  • Madrid reuters - for more than 600 years , spaniards have believed prince sancho de castile s uncle poisoned him to become king of spain , but studies of the boy s mummified body show the seven - year - old died of natural causes . one of spain s great royal legends may have been put to rest by medical tests that show sancho , son of king pedro i " the cruel " of castile , and a successor to the throne , was likely to have died in 1370 of a lung infection such as pneumonia
  • Madrid reuters - for more than 600 years , spaniards have believed prince sancho de castile ' s uncle poisoned him to become king of spain , but studies of the boy ' s mummified body show the seven - year - old died of natural causes . one of spain ' s great royal legends may have been put to rest by medical tests that show sancho , son of king pedro i " the cruel " of castile , and a successor to the throne , was likely to have died in 1370 of a lung infection such as pneumonia


The name Sancho is an Iberian name of Basque origin (Santxo, Santzo, Santso, Antzo). The feminine form is Sancha and the common patronymic is Sánchez.
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